There is a lot of information about food, but much of it is or low quality and not written by authoritative writers. This site - 'Food Facts and Tips' has a team of authoritative writers who have expert knowledge about food. The sources of information for the articles on this site are generally peer-reviews articles published in the major food journals throughout the world. Much of the published information is not in a form that is easily read or understood because of technical jargon and the audience for which the articles are written. Our team of expert writers has the skills to re-craft the scientific information in a form that people find informative and easy to read. This may involve re-jigging the tables and figures in the scientific publications to they are easily understood. It seems for every claim about food there is a counter-claim for the opposite findings. Our experts have the ability to weight-up the arguments and evidence and to derive final definitive findings based on balanced assessments of all the facts and figures.
It is surprising that humans can go to the moon, can find cures for many human diseases and can diagnose many ailments and diseases, but there is no definitive and agreed advice available about food. This site aims to address this problem by providing comprehensive summaries, briefs and conclusions for a wide range of topics about food. This includes nutrients, food storage and preparation, health benefits of various foods, uses of food and the many innovations that occur in the food industry. The emphasis for articles in 'Food Facts and Tips' is on whole foods and unprocessed natural foods.
Food information can quickly get out of date. The articles published on 'Food Facts and Tips' are continually updated as more information comes available. You can be assure that the information presented on this site is based on the best and most up-to-date information available.
We welcome comments and suggestions for new topics. We also welcome submissions from anyone who has the required expertise and qualifications.
This site does not have a directory structure, as these tools are out of date. However, there is an up-to-date listing of articles on various topics and the search tool is the best way to find what you are looking for on this site.